Building codes require that commercial buildings uphold certain air quality standards and circulate outdoor air to prevent indoor air contamination and stagnation. According to the Building Codes Assistance Project, “The air within businesses can become stale from moisture, odors, and pollutants that penetrate the building or are generated internally by human activity and out gassing from building materials and furnishings. A steady supply of fresh outdoor air can increase indoor air quality and improve occupant comfort.”
In an EPA study from October 2014 titled Commercial Building Ventilation: Effects on People and Building Energy Use Implications for Standards, researcher William Fisk presents data suggesting that not only does air quality effect the comfort of occupants, it can also affect their health, productivity and general job satisfaction. The study found that poor ventilation rates resulted in increased risks of chronic and acute health issues especially respiratory infections, increased employee absences and decreased individual performance.
Rather than suffering through a poorly ventilated office, take advantage of Metallic Products’ creative airflow solutions. Control humidity levels, increase fresh air access, improve indoor circulation and maintain temperature with our range of ventilators, louvers and cupolas.
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