National Safety Month kicked off on June 1, giving crews everywhere the chance to shine the spotlight on workplace practices. At Metallic Products, we view National Safety Month as an opportunity for teams to step away from the jobsite to evaluate existing practices, look for weak areas and — together — find ways to improve their working environment. Here are a few of our top suggestions for incorporating National Safety Month into your day-to-day practices this June.
Implement Regular Toolbox Talks
Whether you’re in the business of construction, metal buildings — or metal building accessories like us — your crew’s time is valuable. Toolbox talks can be a quick and effective means of getting everyone on the same page regarding important issues. Select one topic each week to dig in to, such as proper personal protective equipment (PPE) or hot weather safety, and plan out a brief 15- to 20-minute discussion. Be sure to touch on why such practices are important, how they affect crewmembers specifically and ways such practices can be better implemented on the job. Remember, even the safest of jobsites has room for improvement.
Get Everyone Involved
While certain crewmembers might be exposed to more hazards than others, everyone faces risks to some extent. In addition to topics such as fall prevention and electrical safety, be sure to cover things that affect others on your team — from the office staff, to administration and members of the cleaning crew. Potential topics could include first aid, safety surrounding cleaning chemicals or even defensive driving.
Leave the Door Open
National Safety Month is a great place to get the conversation started, but the focus on workplace safety shouldn’t end there. Encourage your team to keep an eye out for unsafe practices or potential improvements all year long, and be sure they know who to report to with such ideas. Let them know that no one will be penalized for bringing unsafe practices to light. Of course, if individuals feel uncomfortable going on the record with certain information, there should always be a way for them to issue an anonymous report.
We hope these tips help your crew get the ball rolling on ways to work National Safety Month into your activities this June. For additional insight, visit the National Safety Council website. Stay safe out there, friends!