What springs to mind when you think of ice shields? Are they protective layers of material applied to a roof to keep moisture outside? If so, well, you’ve just proven our need for a name change.
At Metallic Products, the metal building accessory we’ve sold for years as the ice shield is more a gabled canopy. Traditionally located above a building’s doorway, it protects the structure from the damaging effects of snow, ice and driven rain — and does a great job keeping moisture safely outside. The Metallic Products ice shield provides safety benefits, as well, offering protection against dangerous eave ice shear.
While our ice shields have proven popular among those who have installed them on their metal buildings, the product’s name leaves many other people and companies confused as to what exactly it is. In an effort to clear things up, we’ve updated the name. The Metallic Products team is proud to introduce the new (but not really new) ice shield canopy.
Our hope is that the addition of the word “canopy” will give people a better initial understanding of what our product is — and make customers’ ordering processes simpler. Here are a few things you should know about our ice shield canopies:
Fabricated 10-gauge structural plate. All welded construction.
Size and Design Specifications:
Our ice shield canopies are available in single and double door sizes, and built to withstand what Mother Nature throws their way:
IBC 2012 & 2015
ASCE 7-10 allowable stress design
*IBC 2018 ASCE 7-16 allowable stress design
You can find more information on our Ice Shield Canopy webpage, and in the product data sheet, too. Of course, you are always welcome to contact our team at any time with questions. We’re here, and we’re happy to help!